Icing On The Cake – Armoire Makeover With D. Lawless Hardware

Good evening everyone! I am here once again with an entry of The Fab Furniture Flippin’ Contest. This month, August’s theme is “Icing on the Cake” sponsored by D. Lawless Hardware. A fantastic company with so much to offer, they also were kind enough to give every contestant products to use in their flip. A huge thank you to them!

So lets get started. I found this lonely, dark TV armoire on the side of the road with a $30 sign on it. As I went knocking on the neighbors door we I asked if $20 would work. I walked away with a simple black pin TV cabinet missing to knobs and $20 less in my pocket.


In my home it sat full of my stock of Shabby Paints till one day this fantastic contest came about with a sponsor to fix my hardware issue.


I changed the knobs and plates, the hinges and added seven appliques to the doors and frames. Here is the list of products I used from D. Lawless Hardware.

Now that you know the items I used to makeover this sad dark find. Lets look at how Miss Antoinette looks today.

Antoinette Armoire lillian grey black revax snow white shabby paints uniquely grace

OH MY what a looker! I love this theme as “Icing on the cake” as a hobby cake decorator I could not just add the standard hardware, I had to get appliques and create something that was unique and transforming. I fell this fits the theme quite nicely.

I used Shabby Paints Chalk-Acrylic Paint and Vax Products:

They are fantastically easy to use and have professional results.

This month’s Fab Flippin’ Contest is hosted by:

Evey at Eveys Creations (http://sweetsongbird.eveyscreations.com/2015/08/icing-on-cake-august-fffc-buffet-and.html) and

Michelle at Dandelion Patina (http://www.dandelionpatina.com/homework-room-cubby/).

Click and check out their projects too!

he fantastic ladies over at the Fab Furniture flippin contest

Evey’s Creations

Anastasia Vintage


Fern Avenue

Thirty Eighth Street

Dandelion Patina


Interested bloggers should contact Stacy ([email protected]) or Evey

([email protected]) if interested in participating in future contests

I hope you all have a wonderful evening and make sure to check out all the action for The Fab Flippin Furniture Contest by searching the hashtag #Fabflippincontest. Take a moment to help support me and leave a comment, share this post or pin the images you like best. Thank you!

Antoinette Armoire Collage lillian grey black revax snow white shabby paints uniquely grace


EDIT: This post was highlighted on Hometalk’s Facebook Page here:

“Once in a while something takes my breath away and this just did.” said a reader: http://www.hometalk.com/9785381/from-failed-flip-to-fabulously-french-augustfabflippincontes?utm_medium=facebook&date=20150825

Posted by Hometalk on Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Shabby Paints Stylist

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Locally in Columbia, South Carolina
Facebook: Uniquely Grace
Twitter: Grace Lauer Artist @gracelauer
Instagram: @gracelauer_henna_artist
Pinterest: L. Grace Lauer

This post was sponsored by D. Lawless Hardware.

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