I want to share with you my knowledge and experience…
As a lifetime artist I love to teach others to work with their hands and get creative. I began selling my work in 2010 when I started designing window displays for local store with my work and their products. That work led into refinishing small pieces of furniture for the window displays.
I have been refinishing furniture since 2015 and I am excited to share my experience and knowledge with you. Within my first year of refinishing I was awarded the Winning title of the “Fab Furniture Flippin’ Contest” – Let Colors Burst Contest sponsored by Unicorn Spit. You will be learning from someone who was featured in several Homtalk.com articles and highlighted on their social media accounts.
I started out receiving Interior Design Education and taking courses for Interior Faux Finishing techniques. Allowing me to land faux finishing work at the University of Colorado. All of this has lead why I am very passionate about refinishing furniture. Now I get the opportunity to share this with you!
Let me be a part of your journey!

What are My Customers Saying?
I haven't tried it yet (plans got postponed due to the pandemic), but it looks very helpful! And I love that there's a Facebook group for this to get extra tips.

I CAN'T WAIT to get started on this project! It was easy to download and nicely formatted. Plus, you get person-to-person Q&A time, if needed. What more could you ask for?

Ten Colorful Things About Grace Lauer

Wanderlust – I love to travel. We just moved back to the US from 4 years living in Europe.
I am invested whole heartedly in my friendships. As a military spouse I fall hard and fast for friendships.
Creating helps to improve my mood. If I am getting grumpy hubby sends me to my studio.
I will eat anything once! I enjoy escargot, monk fish, haggis and fresh whole rabbit from a vending machine on the side of a French country road.
My biggest fear is dark ocean water, I only swim in clear shallows. This is not a fear I am willing to confront. Period! #GrewUpWatchingJaws
I slept in Rapunzel’s & Snow White’s castles in Germany plus several others. There is nothing like waking up in a castle. NOTHING! #AirBnBlife
My favorite place in the world is at home with my family, no matter where home is at that moment. Trust me it changes often for us. #miltiarylife
I love of dogs AND cats… DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE! #petlover
I love a clean house but despise housecleaning. I have to do a little every day because I can never bring myself to do an entire day of cleaning once a week.
I don’t read for leisure! GASP! I know! Seriously though I have dyslexia. Thank God, man created spellcheck. #RelyantOnTechnology