
Challenge #8 Week #2 PART 1

Challenge #8 Week #2 PART 1 – Patterned Paper/ Cardstock Every single one of us has it… but is it working for you the way you have it organized? THE KEY TO GOOD PATTERNED PAPER ORGANIZATION IS TO: have it organized to match your train of thought. HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL?(from http://www.creative-scrapbook-layouts.com/scrapbook_paper_storage_ideas.html) “Scrapbook Paper Storage Idea

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Dynamic Duo!

Dynamic Duo? Yup, I have a pair that are just amazing together. They are as different as oil and water but when it comes down to it they make things in this life more beautiful. Here is a layout to prove it. I am so excited to tell you about my Dynamic Duo… no not

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