This Layout or project has been published in Scrapbook News & Review. If you wish to see it please click on the “Out for Publication” image below. Thank you! ~ Grace ~I have to admit that this past week I have been feeling quite uninspired. I wish this was not the case. I usually just push though this and in a week or so it all comes back to me. So this week I worked on a wonderful sketch from Liz over at The Scrappiest Blog. For some reason I can always work with her sketches.
This is a layout of my Hubby’s Community College of the Air Force graduations ceremony. He completed all the courses they offered gaining a degree from this wonderful program. He is no only a few classes away from completing his Bachelors Degree through the University of Colorado. I was in my last term of pregnancy with my youngest child during this point. His Parents and my Mother also attended the event. We all enjoyed it together, all of us so proud of his accomplishment.
There is not much to explain with this layout since it is more on the sweet and simple side of scrapping. So I will just leave you with this photo. Thanks so much for looking and I hope you all take a moment to head over to Liz’s Sketch blog. She holds a monthly contest and has some great sketches!