Pretty Peacock Princess (with real working peacock tail) – Halloween Costume

This pretty Peacock Princess costume was designed and dreamed up by my 7 year old daughter. She sat down and drew up the design for her entire costume. She made the
tutu, her choker necklace and decorated her trick or treating bag and
gloves. Did I mention she is7?

“A real working peacock tail” was her vision. She wanted it to trail on
the ground behind her and be able to be lifted up and fan out like a
real peacock. Tall order, for a 7 year old. But in our house… maybe

Here it is in action!!!! Check out this video!
To have me help walk you though creating this step by step please see my tutorial on Etsy. It comes with full customer support in a group on FB allowing quick and fast communication and responses to your questions.

Research was done for many hours online and I never found what I was looking for to engineer this tail they were all stationary either up or down. So I had to engineer it myself, after all it’s not the first time I have made costume pieces with moving parts (Angel wings, Transformer costume). After some discussions with the Hubby about the mechanics, we figured it out how to make it work. The tail is 66″ wide… that is 1.5′ wider then my daughter is tall!
I made the crown after she figured out which of her crowns in her dress up drawer she wanted to use. 
It was put together with none other then my favorite fast drying adhesive, Helmar 450 Quick Dry. Trinity also used it on her necklace to glue down the Velcro in the back and the large gem in the center and to attach the bows and trim to her gloves. There is no doubt she is definitely my daughter, no doubt about it! She also loves her Helmar too!
I have to mention while looking at these closeups… the shawl she is waring was made for me by my loving little sister. She knitted this for as my Matron of honor gift for her wedding. She is very crafty with yarns and fabrics. Check out her out on Facebook, Quilt Shakti

The obvious choice was to have it pulled back. We did a sweeping french braid from the front left to the back right. Touching it all up with streaks of turquoise blue.
Next we researched her makeup and she decided on a simple eyeshadow technique. I wanted more costume type makeup. In the end she was right. Just enough to make her look like an exotic bird and not to much to hide her innocence she still has at age seven.
She won first place in the costume contest for the girl’s age group at our local city event “Scarysville” My son won his boy section for his age group too with his handmade Iron Man costume.
Here is one last look at the front of the costume. She had a blast as her dream of a “Peacock Princess”.

 Which of our costumes did you like this year? Peacock Princess or Iron Man costume? Comment below or on my other post to let me know!


You can order these in my Esty Shop for children sizes or you can special order adult sizes too. 

This item in an adult size was worn to the 65th Emmy Awards CHA Connected Gift Lounge. (Click on the link for more photos of this event.)

Moon/Lunar Fairy – with articulated wings
